File glob specification

File globs are used throughout Turborepo for configuring which files to include or exclude in various contexts, allowing you to specifically define the files you want turbo to use.

Glob patterns

*Match all files in the directory
**Recursively match all files and sub-directories
some-dir/Match the some-dir directory and its contents
some-dirMatch a file named some-dir or a some-dir directory and its contents
some-dir*Match files and directories that start with some-dir, including contents when matching a directory
*.jsMatch all .js files in the directory
!Negate the whole glob (automatically applies /** to the end of the defined glob)


dist/**Match all files in the dist directory, its contents, and all sub-directories
dist/Match the dist directory and its contents
distMatch a file named dist or a dist directory, its contents, and all sub-directories
dist/some-dir/**Match all files in the dist/some-dir directory and all sub-directories in the current directory
!distIgnore the dist directory and all of its contents
dist*Match files and directories that start with dist
dist/*.jsMatch all .js files in the dist directory
!dist/*.jsIgnore all .js files in the dist directory
dist/**/*.jsRecursively match all .js files in the dist directory and its sub-directories
../scripts/**Up one directory, match all files and sub-directories in the scripts directory