
System environment variables

By setting certain environment variables, you can change Turborepo's behavior. This can be useful for creating specific configurations for different environments and machines.

System environment variables are always overridden by flag values provided directly to your turbo commands.

TURBO_APISet the base URL for Remote Cache.
TURBO_BINARY_PATHManually set the path to the turbo binary. By default, turbo will automatically discover the binary so you should only use this in rare circumstances.
TURBO_CACHE_DIRSets the cache directory, similar to using --cache-dir flag
TURBO_CI_VENDOR_ENV_KEYSet a prefix for environment variables that you want excluded from Framework Inference. NOTE: This does not need to be set by the user and should be configured automatically by supported platforms.
TURBO_DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_CHECKDisable checking the packageManager field in package.json. You may run into errors and unexpected caching behavior when disabling this check. Use true or 1 to disable.
TURBO_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL_ENABLEDEnables global turbo to install the correct local version if one is not found.
TURBO_FORCEAlways force all tasks to run in full, opting out of all caching.
TURBO_GLOBAL_WARNING_DISABLEDDisable warning when global turbo cannot find a local version to use.
TURBO_PRINT_VERSION_DISABLEDDisable printing the version of turbo that is being executed.
TURBO_LOG_ORDERSet the log order. Allowed values are grouped and default.
TURBO_LOGINSet the URL used to log in to Remote Cache.
TURBO_NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIERRemove the update notifier that appears when a new version of turbo is available. You can also use NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER per ecosystem convention.
TURBO_PLATFORM_ENVA CSV of environment variable keys that are configured in a supported CI environment (Vercel). NOTE: This does not need to be set by the user and should be configured automatically by supported platforms.
TURBO_PLATFORM_ENV_DISABLEDDisable checking environment variables configured in your turbo.json against those set on your supported platform
TURBO_PREFLIGHTEnables sending a preflight request before every cache artifact and analytics request. The follow-up upload and download will follow redirects. Only applicable when Remote Caching is configured.
TURBO_REMOTE_CACHE_READ_ONLYPrevent writing to the Remote Cache - but still allow reading.
TURBO_REMOTE_CACHE_SIGNATURE_KEYSign artifacts with a secret key. For more information, visit the Artifact Integrity section.
TURBO_REMOTE_CACHE_TIMEOUTSet a timeout in seconds for turbo to get artifacts from Remote Cache.
TURBO_REMOTE_ONLYAlways ignore the local filesystem cache for all tasks.
TURBO_RUN_SUMMARYGenerate a Run Summary when you run tasks.
TURBO_SCM_BASEBase used by --affected when calculating what has changed from base...head
TURBO_SCM_HEADHead used by -affected when calculating what has changed from base...head
TURBO_TEAMThe account name associated with your repository. When using Vercel Remote Cache, this is your team's slug.
TURBO_TEAMIDThe account identifier associated with your repository. When using Vercel Remote Cache, this is your team's ID.
TURBO_TELEMETRY_MESSAGE_DISABLEDDisable the message notifying you that Telemetry is enabled.
TURBO_TOKENThe Bearer token for authentication to access Remote Cache.
TURBO_UIEnables TUI when passed true or 1, disables when passed false or 0.

Environment variables in tasks

Turborepo will make the following environment variables available within your tasks while they are executing:

TURBO_HASHThe hash of the currently running task.
TURBO_IS_TUIWhen using the TUI, this variable is set to true.


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