
With over 2 million weekly downloads, Turborepo has a large and active community of developers across the world. Here's how you can get involved.


  • Documentation: Suggest improvements or even write new sections to help build understanding of how to use Turborepo.
  • Examples: Help developers integrate Turborepo with other tools and services by improving an example.
  • Code: Learn more about the underlying architecture, contribute bug fixes, and suggest new features.


If you have a question about Turborepo or want to help others, join the conversation:


Turborepo was originally created by Jared Palmer as a closed-source enterprise software offering. In late 2021, Vercel acquired Turborepo and open sourced the codebase.

Today, Turborepo has dedicated full-time team working on it as well as a growing list of open source contributors.

Inspiration / Prior Art

At Vercel, we believe deeply in the open source movement and in the power of open collaboration. To that end, it's important to provide meaningful attribution to the projects and people that inspire(d) us and our work.

We'd like to make a special shoutout to other build systems, monorepo tools, and prior art:

Additional Thanks

Additionally, we're grateful to: