
Use turbo to determine if a package or its dependencies have changes. This can be useful for quickly skipping tasks in CI.

npx turbo-ignore [workspace] [flags...]

To learn more, visit:

turbo-ignore versioning

Because turbo-ignore is most often used before installing dependencies into the repository, there won't be a turbo binary available when you run turbo-ignore. Instead turbo-ignore will search for the correct version to use with your repository with the following strategy:

  • First, check for a turbo entry in root package.json#devDependencies or package.json#dependencies. If a version is found there, it will be used.
  • If no entry is found in package.json, turbo.json will be read for its schema. If the tasks key is found, use turbo@^2. If the pipeline from Turborepo v1 is found, use turbo@^1.